Signature Programs


Why Improv?

Theatre improvisation teaches us to think “Yes, And” before saying “No” or “Yes, But”. While we can’t actually say yes to all ideas or requests, we can learn to listen more fully, amplify innovation, and generate trust and enthusiasm with any audience. We can come to enjoy “curveballs” by reading the room and trusting our instincts. Improv trains our voices, bodies, and emotions to make our ideas more compelling to other people. We can enhance flexibility and responsiveness, hone our presence, and create lasting positive connections with clients and colleagues.


Through experiential exercises, participants expand their comfort zones and discover the principles at the heart of improvisation. Participants utilize these principles to create a “team deliverable” and observe the positive impact of “Yes, And” on their process, engagement and relationships. Practical ideas for bringing improv into the workplace are discussed.


Participants Gain:

  • A “Yes, And” mentality to build positive energy and help transform challenging encounters
  • Improved listening skills to create trusting relationships with colleagues and stakeholders
  • Ability to think on your feet, read the audience and shift when needed
  • Greater vocal, physical and emotional expression to increase your impact


  • 2 or 4 hours
  • In person


  • Anyone and everyone!
  • Groups of 10 to 100 participants



Why Storytelling?

Humans are hardwired for stories. From childhood, stories are the way we learn and engage. As adults, great storytellers captivate attention, spark inspiration, and embed messages in our hearts and minds. Powerful stories teach lessons, create shared meaning, and spur positive action. Storytelling techniques enhance public speaking of any kind.


This highly interactive workshop will include frameworks, demonstration, rehearsal and coaching of participant stories. We will prepare mentally, physically and vocally to hit the right notes in front of any audience. We will cover the essential techniques of storytelling and pay special attention to the creation of “suspense” – what makes the audience lean forward in their seats? Participants will gain skill in coaching one another and delivering high quality feedback, which they can immediately employ back at work.


Participants gain:

  • Techniques to craft compelling stories out of your work and life experiences
  • Practice in the “less is more” principle to engage your audience
  • Confidence in applying storytelling skills to all kinds of communications
  • Ability to create suspense in an audience
  • Coaching and rehearsal techniques to deepen the learning


  • Half day (3-4 hours) or full day (7-8 hours)
  • In person or virtual


  • Leaders and Emerging Leaders
  • Groups from 6 to 50 participants